вторник, 31 мая 2016 г.

Party - Joomla Kids template

Party - Joomla Kids template

Party Joomla template is enjoyable and responsive kids website template for companies, organizations and business connected with children. Initially it was designed for companies engaged in theorganization of children's holidays. But variety of additional Joomla extensions makes it suitable for summer camp, kids and children, kids holidays, organization of children's holiday, toy stores, baby stores,celebrations, birthday parties organisation and so on.
Colorful web design of Party Joomla template is achieved through the use of vibrant colors, parallax moving effects and blocks of interesting shape. Pay your attention to multicolored menu items and moving baloons that create the happy and joyful mood.
Apart from vivid and festive layouts and effects this responsive Joomla website template includes a wealth of bonus pages made with help of integrated components and modules. For example, full-featured online store is possible thanks to professional and open source eCommerce solution VirtueMart for Joomla 3.5.x. Balbooa forms allow to create unlimited amount of forms. Also we've integrated touch-screen Joomla responsive sliderresponsive Joomla gallerySimple Membership for creating Joomla user groups with different level of access to website content, OS CCK content constraction tool, K2 for blog creation and more.

Pedaling - bike & bicycle Joomla template

Pedaling - bike & bicycle Joomla template

 Pedaling is bike website template is developed for cycling websitescreating bicycle websites or any related accessories and products websites. With many cutting-edge features, Pedaling surely makes your work effective and impressive compared to the others. The bicycle website template includes sections for RENT bikes and SELL bikes. You will be able create online store with good looking presentation of products inside. Pedaling has Vehicle Manager - vehicle website builder, with it help you will be able add description, image, technical characteristics/features of bicycle, add price and special price, attachments (image, video, eDocument, eDocument link). PayPal payment system, which integrated in bike Joomla template will be useful for building online shop and sell whatever you want, not just bikes. In Quickstart package besides template file you will find OS Touch Slider (Joomla image slider with touch features), Joomla Google Maps Module (displays bikes on the map), Vehicle Featured module (displays top viewed bikes), Vehicle Manager Search module and more.
Moreover Quickstart package of Bike Joomla template includes SH404SEF component - powerful SEO, analytics and security tool, OS CCK - Content Construction tool for Joomla (on its base the amazing contact form is built), Simple Membership component for display Agents profiles and management user groups on bike website, Social Comments and Sharing - for sharing information from bicycle websites in social networks.

четверг, 26 мая 2016 г.

Summer is coming: 26% off on all OrdaSoft products

Receive an immediate 26% discount on all our products, including Joomla templates and extensionsDrupal and WordPress themes.
Also joining to our clubs is extremely affordable now. Where else you can grab 100+ responsive Joomla templates with included functionality only for $66.6? Only at OrdaSoft and only up to the end of this month. So don't wait, this offer is valid only up to May, 31st.

среда, 25 мая 2016 г.

Royal Estate - Joomla Real Estate Template

Royal Estate - Joomla
Real Estate Template
Royal Estate is beautiful responsive Joomla 3.5.x template, that looks fantastic on any mobile device. If you need real estate website for high-cost property, Royal Estate suits perfectly for this. This Joomla template is designed in black and white colors on light gray background, which makes it sumptuous and royal. Royal Estate is built on Joomla Blank template and Real Estate Manager PRO 3.8.
Royal Estate is an awesome real estate design website template design with HTML5 and CSS3. This Joomla Real Estate Template comes with amazing pages, views, contact page, blog and much more. Touch slideshow on the main page helps you to highlight main estates and bring more visitors. Make your real estate website social-attractive with social buttons built-in Royal Estate. Real Estate Manager Location Map helps to show the properties from Joomla real estate extension on the map. Real Estate Manager Featured module will help displays the properties from Real Estate Manager by next parameters: popular, last added, top. Royal Estate also includes SH404SEF component - powerful SEO, analytics and security tool, Balbooa Forms - Joomla Form Builder, Simple Membership component for display Agents profiles on real estate website, K2 - powerful and awarded content extension for Joomla.
Buying Royal Estate - Responsive Real Estate Template you will get tools for management properties from backend and frontend areas. From backend administrator of website could add unlimited categories for properties, amenities, manage buy and rent requests, import / export data (CSV, XML, full XML), manage languages and set the variety of options for real estate website. From frontend area of real estate website builder the agents are allowed to add properties, description of property, add photos and videos, set the address of house on the map.
Royal Estate has several amazing features. Look at them in details. Responsive Joomla 3.5.x template is translated on 18 languages. Language pack is included in Real Estate Website Template and template will automatically pick up the main language of website. You can easily edit translations using Language Manager. Royal Estate includes PayPal integration, with it help visitors of website will be able rent properties online. Anti-spam and Security settingsincluded in Royal Estate too.
Royal Estate - Joomla Real Estate Template is a completely new concept and it is nothing like you have seen before, try demo of it, buy and start move to success.

пятница, 20 мая 2016 г.

Book Library v.3.6: new features and security improvements

Book Library v.3.6

new features and security improvements

Book Library website software v.3.6: new features and security improvements

We are glad to introduce you Book Library v.3.6. The latest version of Book Library includes a bunch of new useful features and fixes:
1. Added protection against sql-injection
2. Added the ability to assign multiple authors to book
3. Added the ability to edit books from frontend
4. Fixed Search in backend
5. Fixed icons of PDF, print and email
6. Added option what Joomla user group can edit books from frontend
7. Fixed bug with RSS
8. Checked compatibility with Joomla 3.5
Read more about Book Library update here